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About this siteHi there! I'm Pavel! This is my personal site, where I talk about being a person with DID. I've been multiple people my whole life, but I really became aware ~13 years ago when I was a teenager. Since then, my alters and I have worked really hard to be aware of each other and communicate with one another! DID is unfortunately very under researched, and many professionals still don't believe it exists at all. Media and pop culture have historically not depicted DID very kindly, painting it as a disorder exclusive to violent criminals and horror villains. Many with the disorder are accused of faking, and it's very difficult to "prove" a change in self identity to other people, who may not observe the changes themself. For me... DID is something I have to keep secret from most people in my life. Being more than one person is my default, but I'm pressured into living a life where I must pretend to be and "pass" as one whole, "normal" person - at least, if I want to be safe, respected, and employed. Hiding something that is so overtly part of who I am isn't easy, and it takes a big toll on my emotions. More than anything, this is a safe place! A place where I can be my truest self, and talk about my life without erasing parts of me. My biggest hope is to bring awareness to DID! I hope that one day the world will not only acknowledge DID but also accept those of us with it! Thank you for visiting my website and for being kind ❤ |